Responsible and safe gaming Responsible and safe gaming Thousands of people gamble or invest their time and money in games of chance every day, not only for entertainment but also as a way of socializing. However, this practi...
10 years since American Black Friday The crack of northamerican online poker It has been 10 years since the fateful Black Friday or North American Black Friday that some also call the crack of online poker. It was April 15 when the cr...
Portugal welcomes Hyperturbo tournaments Finally! Spin & Go can now be played in Portugal Spins have finally been regulated by the Portuguese government that launched the new Regulation 348/2021 a few days ago to include this modality in...
Las Vegas will reopen 100% Las Vegas will reopen its stores to 100% Las Vegas returns to the fray this time with a total reopening. Its casinos open their doors from next June to all tourists who want to visit Nevada and its...
Cheating and collusion in poker Every game, whether it is a card game or a table game, is susceptible to cheating by the participants. Some are easily identifiable and others not so easily identifiable, as is often the case in on...
Types of poker and their rules The world of poker is an exciting web of cards in which we can demonstrate our knowledge and apply the most elaborate and impeccable strategies to successfully conclude the rounds and games. It is...
The LAG (Loose Aggressive) player: everything you need to know When we talk about the LAG player in the poker world, we are referring to players who play high stakes and do it aggressively. These are players who have a knowledge of the game high enough to be a...
Basic and advanced poker playing strategies   If you are a poker fan, you’ll realize that playing poker isn’t as simple as it seems. It is no only about placing a simple bet and trying to win it. Behind the cards lies a world of science and...
What are the blinds in poker: everything you need to know When you play poker for the first time it is normal that many doubts and questions arise. Do not be overwhelmed, you must keep in mind that like any card or board game must follow some rules to wor...