Poker Face: what to expect from Russell Crowe's new film The New Zealander stars in, co-writes and directs a new thriller revolving around a frenetic poker showdown. It is scheduled for release in Spain in January 2023, and will share the bill alongside...
Online poker scams: which are the most common ones and how to avoid them Despite what we would like to admit, online scams also reach the poker world. Online poker rooms, as well as applications developed so that people from all over the world can enjoy their passion fo...
PokerGo TV, the NETFLIX of poker PokerGo TV, the NETFLIX of pokerPokergo TV was born in 2017 in Las Vegas with the intention of becoming the first online television operator (OTT, which is what operators like Amazon Prime or Netfl...
Poker movies: most common mistakes and blunders seen in the movies Who doesn't remember a great play in a poker movie? Cinema has been responsible for exalting poker and has bequeathed us scenes that will remain in the collective imagination of everyone, especiall...
The colour of a poker chip: what does it mean? Poker chips are a crucial element of the game, as I'm sure we've discussed on other occasions. We always focus on the cards, on the decks, but the chips are unfairly relegated to second place, and...
Legendary poker rivalries: three duels that ended in a brawl Sometimes, during the final hands of the most prestigious poker games, the tension cuts with a knife. And it's not just about fame, prestige or money: the mental toll of some games is so high that...
What is raise in a poker game? 4 occasions in which we have seen it in the movies Going all-in, bluffing, preferring Pot-Limit to No Limit or being the fish of the table are just some of the expressions you have probably become familiar with during your poker games.This fantasti...
Poker and videogames: 5 titles in which we can play poker The popularization of digital formats has developed in a dizzying way, but this professional aspect contrasts with the way that electronic leisure has had to represent poker games.In video games it...
Adrian Mateos: all the secrets of this professional poker player Adrian Mateos is one of the best poker players in the world. The Spaniard has achieved important accomplishments in his 27 years and has a great experience in the poker world since he managed to wi...