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COMPLETE YOUR GAME WITH THE BEST SOFTWARE One of the great advantages of playing poker online is the possibility of using the latest generation poker software. These programs provide us with inform...
Richard Nixon and poker: the history of a hobby
The former President of the United States became famous not only for occupying one of the most coveted positions of power in American political life, but also for the corruption cases linked to his...
Poker Face: what to expect from Russell Crowe's new film
The New Zealander stars in, co-writes and directs a new thriller revolving around a frenetic poker showdown. It is scheduled for release in Spain in January 2023, and will share the bill alongside...
PokerGo TV, the NETFLIX of poker
PokerGo TV, the NETFLIX of pokerPokergo TV was born in 2017 in Las Vegas with the intention of becoming the first online television operator (OTT, which is what operators like Amazon Prime or Netfl...
The colour of a poker chip: what does it mean?
Poker chips are a crucial element of the game, as I'm sure we've discussed on other occasions. We always focus on the cards, on the decks, but the chips are unfairly relegated to second place, and...
Legendary poker rivalries: three duels that ended in a brawl
Sometimes, during the final hands of the most prestigious poker games, the tension cuts with a knife. And it's not just about fame, prestige or money: the mental toll of some games is so high that...