The blackjack table is one of the basic
elements in defining blackjack strategy. It serves to help reduce the dealer's
initial advantage, putting the player in a better position at the
beginning of the game.
Blackjack is a game that is always played
against the dealer. Therefore, it is the casino that has the mathematical
advantage. This is true even though we always play by the same blackjack
Therefore, the priority of every player is always to minimize the initial disadvantage against the dealer. And the best way to achieve this is by using the blackjack table: in blackjack it is essential to read it in order to partially neutralize the mathematical advantage we are talking about.
Counteracting the dealer's advantage is the
main objective of using a blackjack table, but it can also be an ally
when facing a bad streak or even to squeeze the full potential of a good play.
Every basic blackjack strategy involves the use
of the blackjack table. Thanks to it you can give shape to what is called
the "basic strategy", the basic strategy with which to start
playing and test the dealer to take over his game.
A blackjack table is a table that indicates which of the four or five actions and options -depending on the country in which the game is played the number varies-, can be chosen in a game to take the most advantageous position against the dealer's card:
In other words, the blackjack table is a guide that shows the player what is the best decision to make in each blackjack hand. And make no mistake: it is a resource that is also used by advanced players, precisely because they know that, if they do not do so, the dealer will maintain that initial advantage throughout the game.
It can be a bit complicated to know how to read
the blackjack tables, so let's take it one step at a time. The first thing you
should know is that there are different types of blackjack tables: there are
single-deck, double-deck, four-deck, six-deck and eight-deck blackjack tables.
European blackjack also has its own table. Keep in mind that there are as
many tables as there are decks and styles of blackjack.
It is necessary to differentiate the two
axes on which the table is divided in order to understand it. The vertical
axis shows the player's hands, and the horizontal axis shows the dealer's face
card. To know which is the best play in each situation you only have to
establish the relationship between your cards and the dealer's face card.
Now, keep in mind that for each deck there
are several types of tables. You can find basic strategy tables that show
the player's hard cards, soft cards or pairs.
Also keep in mind that cards are dealt face down in single or double deck games. In face-to-face games, when you have to tell the dealer what action you want to take, you have to make sure that they are still covered. If you play with multiple decks, the cards are dealt from a dealer and the dealer is only informed of the decision when the cards are face up.
If you want to know how to win at blackjack, it
is important that you know how to read the tables properly and that you
know the game and betting dynamics.
A blackjack game starts with two cards dealt to
the player and one to the dealer, who represents the banker. Usually, the
player will then know the value of his cards and one of the two cards
the dealer has to play with.
The objective for both the dealer and the
player is the same:
to make 21 without going over. Whoever manages to add 21 or get closer to this
value than the opponent, wins, as we told you in our post dedicated to the rules of blackjack.
The game is played with poker cards and has the particularity that the
face cards are worth 10 and the ace can be worth 1 or 11, depending on what
suits the player.
To know how to use the blackjack table
we must pay attention to a series of initials and colors, a code used to
memorize the actions and make them more visual.
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